Title 21 CFR
Title 21 is the portion of the Code of Federal Regulations that governs food and drugs within the United States for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).[1]
It is divided into three chapters. (Click the links underlined below to view each section of CFR Title 21 or scroll to the bottom of the page for pdf copies)
Title 21 Food and Drugs Part / Section
Chapter I Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services 1 – 1299
Subchapter A General 1 – 99
Subchapter B Food for Human Consumption 100 – 199
Subchapter C Drugs: General 200 – 299
Subchapter D Drugs for Human Use 300 – 499
Subchapter G Animal Drugs, Feeds, and Related Products 500 – 599
Subchapter F Biologics 600 – 680
Subchapter G Cosmetics 700 – 799
Subchapter H Medical Devices 800 – 898
Subchapter I Mammography Quality Standards Act 900
Subchapter J Radiological Health 1000 – 1050
Subchapter K Tobacco Products 1100 – 1150
Subchapter L Regulations Under Certain Other Acts Administered by the Food and Drug Administration 1210 – 1299
Chapter II Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice 1300 – 1399
Part 1301 Registration of Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dispensers of Controlled Substances 1301.01 – 1301.93
Part 1302 Labeling and Packaging Requirements for Controlled Substances 1302.01 – 1302.07
Part 1304 Records and Reports of Registrants 1304.01 – 1304.55
Part 1305 Orders for Schedule I and II Controlled Substances 1305.01 – 1305.29
Part 1308 Schedules of Controlled Substances 1308.01 – 1308.49
Part 1309 Registration of Manufacturers, Distributors, Importers and Exporters of List I Chemicals 1309.01 – 1309.73
Part 1310 Records and Reports of Listed Chemicals and Certain Machines; Importation
and Exportation of Certain Machines 1310.01 – 1310.21 -
Part 1311 Requirements for Electronic Orders and Prescriptions 1311.01 – 1311.305
Part 1312 Importation and Exportation of Controlled Substances 1312.01 – 1312.47
Part 1313 Importation and Exportation of List I and List II Chemicals 1313.01 – 1313.57
Part 1314 Retail Sale of Scheduled Listed Chemical Products 1314.01 – 1314.155
Part 1315 Importation and Production Quotas for Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine,
and Phenylpropanolamine 1315.01 – 1315.62 -
Part 1316 Administrative Functions, Practices, and Procedures 1316.01 – 1316.68
Part 1318 Controls to Satisfy the Requirements of the Act Applicable to the
Manufacturing of Marihuana 1318.01 – 1318.07 -
Parts 1322-1399 [Reserved]
Chapter III Office of National Drug Control Policy 1400 – 1499
Part 1400 [Reserved]
Part 1401 Public Availability of Information 1401.1 – 1401.24
USC Title 21 Chapter 9: The FD&C Act
The laws of the United States are organized by subject into the United States Code. The United States Code contains only the currently enacted statutory language. The official United States Code is maintained by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel in the United States House of Representatives. The Office of the Law Revision Counsel reviews enacted laws and determines where the statutory language should be codified related to its topic. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and subsequent amending statutes are codified into Title 21 Chapter 9 of the United States Code.
The listing of FD&C Act sections presented here identifies both the FD&C Act and U.S. Code section numbers, which can be used to narrow your search on the Law Revision Counsel website or you can scroll to the bottom of the page to review the PDF version.
CHAPTER 9 FEDERAL FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC ACT (sections 321 to 399i) [View]
SUBCHAPTER I SHORT TITLE (section 301) [View]
SUBCHAPTER II DEFINITIONS (sections 321 to 321d) [View]​
Sec. 321. Definitions; generally [View]
Sec. 321a. "Butter" defined [View]
Sec. 321b. "Package" defined [View]​
Sec. 321c. Nonfat dry milk; "milk" defined [View]
Sec. 321d. Market names for catfish and ginseng [View]
Sec. 331. Prohibited acts [View]
Sec. 332. Injunction proceedings [View]​
Sec. 333. Penalties [View]​
Sec. 333a. Repealed. Pub. L. 101-647, title XIX, §1905, Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4853 [View]​
Sec. 334. Seizure [View]​
Sec. 335. Hearing before report of criminal violation [View]​
Sec. 335a. Debarment, temporary denial of approval, and suspension [View]​
Sec. 335b. Civil penalties [View]
Sec. 335c. Authority to withdraw approval of abbreviated drug applications [View]
Sec. 336. Report of minor violations [View]​
Sec. 337. Proceedings in name of United States; provision as to subpoenas [View]​
Sec. 337a. Extraterritorial jurisdiction [View]
SUBCHAPTER IV FOOD (sections 341 to 350l-1) [View]
Sec. 341. Definitions and standards for food [View]
Sec. 342. Adulterated food [View]
Sec. 343. Misbranded food [View]
Sec. 343-1. National uniform nutrition labeling [View]
Sec. 343-2. Dietary supplement labeling exemptions [View]
Sec. 344 Emergency permit control [View]
Sec. 345. Regulations making exemptions [View]
Sec. 346. Tolerances for poisonous or deleterious substances in food; regulations [View]
Sec. 347. Intrastate sales of colored oleomargarine[View]​
Sec. 347a. Congressional declaration of policy regarding oleomargarine sales [View]
Sec. 348. Food additives [View]
Sec. 349. Bottled drinking water standards; publication in Federal Register [View]
Sec. 350. Vitamins and minerals [View]​
Sec. 350a. Infant formulas [View]​
Sec. 350b. New dietary ingredients [View]
Sec. 350c. Maintenance and inspection of records [View]
Sec. 350d. Registration of food facilities [View]
Sec. 350e. Sanitary transportation practices [View]​
Sec. 350f. Reportable food registry [View]
Sec. 350g. Hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls [View]
Sec. 350h. Standards for produce safety [View]​
Sec. 350i. Protection against intentional adulteration [View]
Sec. 350j. Targeting of inspection resources for domestic facilities, foreign facilities, and ports of entry; annual report [View]​
Sec. 350k. Laboratory accreditation for analyses of foods [View]​
Sec. 350l. Mandatory recall authority [View]​
Sec. 350l-1. Annual report to Congress [View]
SUBCHAPTER V Part A DRUGS AND DEVICES (sections 351 to 360fff-8) [View]
Sec. 353. Exemptions and consideration for certain drugs, devices, and biological products [View]
Sec. 353d. Process to update labeling for certain generic drugs[View]
Sec. 355-1. Risk evaluation and mitigation strategies [View]
Sec. 355-2. Actions for delays of generic drugs and biosimilar biological products [View]
Sec. 355c. Research into pediatric uses for drugs and biological products [View]
Sec. 355d. Internal committee for review of pediatric plans, assessments, deferrals, deferral extensions, and waivers [View]
Sec. 355f. Extension of exclusivity period for new qualified infectious disease products [View]
Sec. 355h. Regulation of certain nonprescription drugs that are marketed without an approved drug application [View]
Sec. 356. Expedited approval of drugs for serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions[View]
Sec. 356-1. Accelerated approval of priority countermeasures [View]
Sec. 356c. Discontinuance or interruption in the production of life-saving drugs [View]
Sec. 356d. Coordination; task force and strategic plan [View]
Sec. 356g. Standards for regenerative medicine and regenerative advanced therapies [View]
Sec. 356j. Discontinuance or interruption in the production of medical devices [View]
Sec. 359. Nonapplicability of subchapter to cosmetics [View]
Sec. 360. Registration of producers of drugs or devices [View]
Sec. 360a. Clinical trial guidance for antibiotic drugs [View]
Sec. 360c. Classification of devices intended for human use [View]
Sec. 360j. General provisions respecting control of devices intended for human use[View]
Sec. 360k. State and local requirements respecting devices [View]
Sec. 360n. Priority review to encourage treatments for tropical diseases[View]
​​​SUBCHAPPTER V Part B Drugs for Rare Diseases or Conditions (sections 360aa to 360ff-1)[View]
Sec. 360aa. Recommendations for investigations of drugs for rare diseases or conditions [View]
Sec. 360bb. Designation of drugs for rare diseases or conditions [View]
Sec. 360cc. Protection for drugs for rare diseases or conditions[View]
Sec. 360dd. Open protocols for investigations of drugs for rare diseases or conditions [View]
Sec. 360ee. Grants and contracts for development of drugs for rare diseases and conditions[View]
Sec. 360ff. Priority review to encourage treatments for rare pediatric diseases [View]
SUBCHAPTER V Part C Electronic Product Radiation Control (sections 360hh to 360ss) [View]​
SUBCHAPTER V Part D Dissemination of Treatment Information (sections 360aaa to 360aaa-6) [View]
SUBCHAPTER V Part E General Provisions Relating to Drugs and Devices (sections 360bbb to 360bbb-8d) [View]
​​Sec. 360bbb. Expanded access to unapproved therapies and diagnostics [View]
Sec. 360bbb-0. Expanded access policy required for investigational drugs[View]
Sec. 360bbb-3. Authorization for medical products for use in emergencies [View]
Sec. 360bbb-4. Countermeasure development, review, and technical assistance [View]
Sec. 360bbb-5. Critical Path Public-Private Partnerships [View]
Sec. 360bbb-8. Consultation with external experts on rare diseases, targeted therapies, and genetic targeting of treatments[View]
SUBCHAPTER V Part F New Animal Drugs for Minor Use and Minor Species (sections 360ccc to 360ccc-2) [View]
SUBCHAPTER V Part G Medical Gases (sections 360ddd to 360ddd-2) [View]
SUBCHAPTER V Part H Pharmaceutical Distribution Supply Chain (sections 360eee to 360eee-4) [View]
SUBCHAPTER V Part I Nonprescription Sunscreen and Other Active Ingredients (sections 360fff to 360fff-8) [View]
SUBCHAPTER VI COSMETICS (sections 361 to 364) [View]
SUBCHAPTER VII GENERAL AUTHORITY (sections 371 to 379dd-2) [View]
Part A General Administrative Provisions (sections 371 to 379d-5) [View]
Part B Colors (section 379e) [View]
Part C Fees (sections 379g to 379j-73) [View]
Part D Information and Education (sections 379k to 379l) [View]
Part E Environmental Impact Review (section 379o) [View]
Part F National Uniformity for Nonprescription Drugs and Preemption for Labeling or Packaging of Cosmetics (sections 379r to 379s) [View]
Part G Safety Reports (section 379v) [View]
Part H Serious Adverse Event Reports (sections 379aa to 379aa-1) [View]
Part I Reagan-Udall Foundation for the Food and Drug Administration (sections 379dd to 379dd-2) [View]​
SUBCHAPTER VIII IMPORTS AND EXPORTS (sections 381 to 384g) [View]
SUBCHAPTER IX TOBACCO PRODUCTS (sections 387 to 387v) [View]
Sec. 387d. Submission of health information to the Secretary [View]
Sec. 387f. General provisions respecting control of tobacco products [View]
Sec. 387f-1. Enforcement action plan for advertising and promotion restrictions [View]
Sec. 387j. Application for review of certain tobacco products [View]
Sec. 387n. Jurisdiction of and coordination with the Federal Trade Commission [View]
Sec. 387q. Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee [View]
Sec. 387r. Drug products used to treat tobacco dependence [View]
Sec. 387t. Labeling, recordkeeping, records inspection [View]
​Sec. 387v. Reporting on tobacco regulation activities [View]
SUBCHAPTER X—MISCELLANEOUS (sections 391 to 399i) [View]
Sec. 399. Grants to enhance food safety [View]
Sec. 399c. Improving the training of State, local, territorial, and tribal food safety officials [View]
Sec. 399f. Ensuring adequate information regarding pharmaceuticals for all populations, particularly underrepresented subpopulations, including racial subgroups [View]
Sec. 399g. Food and Drug Administration Intercenter Institutes [View]
Sec. 399h. Grants for studying continuous drug manufacturing [View]
Sec. 399i. Food and Drug Administration Working Capital Fund [View]